
2 hours ago
February 12, 2025
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
- Devotion
- 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15
- Announcements
- Sunday School and Bible Class
- Ladies Bible Study
- Anchored in Hope Support Group
- Women's Bible Study
- Church Council
- Ambassadors
- 3rd Sunday Communion
- Women's Study Guild
- Women Who Hike
- Ash Wednesday
- Prayer List
- Pastor John Hein
- Pastor Tim Wheaton
- Jim Lien
- Lilia Howley
- Margaret Fraze
- Jeff Strand
- Parents of Children
- Mission in the Philippines
Common Christian Q&A
- Is it true that the King James Bible was written by a king? I have a coworker who won't believe anything written by a king. What do I say to that?
- Hymn 260 “O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold”

6 days ago
6 days ago
Epiphany is an often overlooked season of the church year. It is sandwiched between Christmas and Lent, two of the most familiar seasons of the church year. Epiphany concludes with the Transfiguration of Jesus, which we will be celebrating this weekend. This is fitting, first because the Transfiguration is a magnificent proof that Jesus is the Son of God, and second because we are told that following the Transfiguration, Jesus begins to “set His face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). In other words, Transfiguration Sunday is an appropriate “bridge” connecting Epiphany to the season of Lent.
Little is known about the hymn “Oh, Wondrous Type! Oh, Vision Fair” other than it was originally composed in Latin and used in the Old Sarum Rite from Salisbury, England in 1495. It was translated from Latin into English by John Mason Neale, the prolific 19th-century translator of Greek and Latin hymns. Sadly, only four stanzas of this hymn are included in Worship Supplement 2000. We will include a fifth stanza (found in other hymnals) which is a fitting doxology to the reminder that Jesus is True God and the Savior of all people.
This hymn reminds us that the glory which was revealed in Jesus on the mountain is a glory that those who believe in Him will also share when Jesus returns on the last day. Because of the work which Jesus came to accomplish for sinful mankind, we will, by God's grace, experience that glory when we see Him face to face in heaven. This truth causes us, God's people, to raise our voices in joyful strains of prayer and praise in worship. Thanks be to God!
Join us as we study this hymn about the revelation of Jesus as true God, and the assurance of being partakers of that glory in heaven because of Jesus life and death as our substitute.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
February 5, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
- Devotion
- 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
- Announcements
- Sunday School and Bible Class
- Reorganization Meeting
- Annual Voters Meeting Part 2
- Outreach Meeting
- Women's Bible Study
- Anchored in Hope Support Group
- Ladies' Bible Study
- College Bible Study
- Ambassadors
- Women Who Hike
- Prayer List
- Pastor John Hein
- Pastor Tim Wheaton
- Jim Lien
- Lilia Howley
- Margaret Fraze
- Jeff Strand
- Time and Talent Offerings
- Missionary Peter Evensen
- Hymn 260 “O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold”

Friday Jan 31, 2025
Hymn 651 - Be Still, My Soul
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
We continue in the season of Epiphany where the LORD reveals to sinners that Jesus is the Savior that God promised us and that we desperately need. This week we study the hymn "Be Still, My Soul" (Hymn 651 in The Lutheran Hymnal), written by Catharina von Schlegel in the eighteenth century. She wrote this as a poem that was later set to music, first to one melody and finally in 1927 was joined to the tune Finlandia, making a beautiful pair. This is the only hymn in our hymnal that was written by her.
The hymn is based on Psalm 46:10-11: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge." The hymn contemplates the troubles that we face in this world of sin and that Jesus calls His followers to "deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow" Him (Matthew 16:24).
Even though we face many temptations, trials of faith, and loss, the hymnwriter directs our hearts and minds to the promises and power of our God and Savior. While this is not directly an Epiphany hymn, this is especially fitting in the Epiphany season. Jesus shows His power over sickness, nature, the demons, and even over death. Through all of this and more, Jesus is revealed to us as the true God and as the world's promised Savior.
The final two verses comfort us in the loss of Christian loved ones, reminding us that Jesus has conquered death, once and for all. He "Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). With all these promises from our Savior Jesus, we can say: "Be still, my soul" trusting in Jesus who is with us and who is our Refuge and Strength!
Join us as we study this hymn which comforts us in the trouble and sorrow of this earthly life through the assurance of Jesus and His work for us!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
January 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
- Devotion
- 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2
- Announcements
- Sunday School and Bible Class
- Whitewater Retreat
- Women’s Bible study tonight 5-6pm in church basement
- Time and Talents this weekend (also Meet and Greet)
- Reorganization meeting (Monday, Feb 3rd at 6:30)
- Voters Meeting (Monday, Feb 3rd)
- Ambassadors (Wed, Feb 12th 7-9pm)
- Women who hike (February 23 @ 2:30pm)
- Prayer List
- Pastor John Hein
- Pastor Tim Wheaton
- Jim Lien
- Lilia Howley (going in for tests next week)
- Becca Schaller
- Margaret Fraze
- Jeff Strand
- Scott Osbourne
- Eli Baumann
- Margaret Schreyer - Transesophageal Echocardiogram so the Drs. can look at her heart valve.
- Judy Mielke
- John McLaren
- Elected Church leaders
- Zach L. (Pres), Karl F. (VP), Alan O. (Sec), Doug S. (FSec), Craig S. (Treas), Kevin, Michael, Anthony, Mark, Daniel (Elders), Paul (Deacon), Elijah (Ed), Scott K. (Property).
- Missionary Bruce Naumann
- Hymn of the Day
- Hymn 616 - "Forever with the Lord"